Unseasonal Rain Damages Harvested Paddy in Odisha
Bhubaneswar: Continuous rainfall across Odisha has left farmers distressed as harvested paddy lying in fields begins to sprout and rot, lacking proper storage facilities.
The unseasonal downpour during the crucial harvesting period has jeopardized the efforts of farmers, turning their hard work into waste. The low-pressure rain has severely impacted paddy crops, with many starting to decay in fields and mandis.
Farmers across the state, including those cultivating other Rabi crops, are bearing the brunt of the persistent showers. Harvested paddy that was partially dried has been drenched again due to rains on December 24 and 25, compounding the damage already caused by rains on December 20 and 21.
In response, some farmers are making efforts to salvage the crop by drying it, but the recurring rainfall has worsened the situation.
Farmers with crop insurance are now concerned about compensation. However, the Department of Cooperation has assured that insured farmers will receive compensation once the crop loss is assessed. A committee will evaluate the damage, and payouts will follow accordingly.