Sarkar movie review

Director Murugadoss is well known to have one central theme that holds the interest of the audience. In Thuppaki, we saw that when Vijay gets the help of his fellow army men to stop terrorist attacks happening across the city. In Kaththi, we saw it when Vijay ropes in senior citizens to stop water supply to the city. Even in the recent Sypder, we saw the hero (Mahesh Babu) getting the help of housewives to stop a crime.
Sarkar has a long run-time but lacks that a central idea that could have changed the tone of the film. Bur it comes across as propaganda.
Vijay is named Sundar Ramaswamy in the film. He’s globally renowned to be a ‘corporate monster’ who takes over companies wherever he goes, but he’s now in India to cast his vote. But there’s a hitch: his vote has already been cast.
There’s an evil politician Masilamani, played by Pazha Karuppiah, who is out to ruin the state. Can Sundar – with all his corporate experience (he calls himself a “corporate criminal”) – stop him from that? Can Sundar’s wisdom come in handy in rectifying malpractice that has become quite prevalent in Tamil Nadu polls?
It is a promising premise and a much-needed one, considering that all of us yearn for change and development, but Sarkar just scratches the surface by putting together a story based on a few recent incidents in the State. It reels off laws and the electoral processes just to support Vijay’s decision to stay back in Chennai and clean the system.
The problem with Sarkar is that it has no well-defined characters.