GST revenue collection for December 2018 touches Rs. 94,726 cr

New Delhi, Jan 2:  The total gross GST revenue collected in the month of December, 2018 was Rs. 94,726 crore, an officials release said here.

Of this the CGST was Rs. 16,442 crore, SGST Rs. 22,459 crore, IGST Rs. 47,936 crore (including Rs. 23,635 crore collected on imports) and Cess Rs. 7,888 crore (including Rs. 838 crore collected on imports), the release added.

The total number of GSTR 3B Returns filed for the month of November up to 31stDecember, 2018 is 72.44 lakh.

            The government has settled Rs. 18,409 crore to CGST and Rs. 14,793 crore to SGST from IGST as regular settlement.

 Further, Rs 18,000 crore has been settled from the balance IGST available with the Centre on provisional basis in the ratio of 50:50 between Centre and States while the total revenue earned by Central Government and the State Governments after regular settlement in the month of December, 2018 was Rs. 43,851 crore for CGST and Rs. 46,252 crore for SGST respectively, it added.

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