Gas Cylinder Explosion Causes Fire in Paradip

Paradip: A house in Atharabanki, Paradip district, was engulfed in flames after a gas cylinder exploded, causing extensive damage to property. The incident occurred when no one was at home.

According to reports, a woman in the family had been cooking rice when she was called away for an emergency. In her absence, the water from the cooking pot overflowed and entered the gas cylinder. The water seeped into the cylinder, triggering an explosion that ignited the fire.

Fortunately, no casualties were reported as no one was inside the house at the time of the explosion. Local residents quickly rushed to the scene to try and control the blaze. Fire tenders were also called to the location, and the fire was eventually extinguished.

While no lives were lost, the fire caused significant damage, reducing several pieces of furniture and belongings to ashes.

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