FY 2022-23 a year of transformation for OMC

One of the largest mining companies in India, Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC) has produced 29.7 million tonnes of iron ore in the last financial year (2022-23) registering 17% growth Year- on-Year over FY 2021-22 where it recorded 25.31 million tonnes.
OMC clocked total ore production of 33.76 million tonnes in the FY 2022-23 – with 29.68 MT iron ore, 3 MT bauxite and 1.08 MT of chrome ore – registering 14.9% growth compared to the FY 2021-22.
Similarly, OMC’s sales of total ores stood at 28.6 million tonnes registering 3.1% Y-o-Y growth over the FY 2021-22. In the last fiscal (FY 2022-23), the iron ore sales was 23.8 million tonnes whereas sales of bauxite and chrome ores were 3.61 and 1.16 million tonnes respectively.
In the last financial year OMC’s 80328 meter of drilling surpassed its’ previous highest drilling meterage achieved in FY 22.
OMC has presently 18 operating mines in Odisha. The major minerals mined by OMC are chrome, iron and bauxite ore which cater to the requirement of mineral based industries such as steel, sponge iron, pig iron, aluminium, ferro-manganese, ferro-chrome, etc. OMC has been growing steadily over these years and today it stands as the largest State PSU in the mining sector of the country. OMC also operates decorative stone under minor mineral category.
OMC is committed for protection of environment and conservation of forest. As part of its commitment, OMC has been contributing to increase green cover across Odisha through plantation. Last year, OMC has. OMC has also taken the responsibility to save 100 acres of urban forest in Bhubaneswar city through Project Anandvan. OMC has also done wonderful works in Greenfield development, wildlife conservation, OB dump reclamation, stabilization, sustainable water harvesting, zero waste water discharge, zero dust emission, energy conservation, solid waste and hazardous & biomedical waste management etc.
The Daitari and Kodingamali mines have received the prestigious IBM 5 star rating in the last financial year for fostering sustainable mining practices that lay emphasis on scientific and systematic mining, community welfare programmes, progressive mine planning and adoption of international standards.
The series of leadership summits and employee connect programs played major role in team building, visioning exercises which was also important part of the overall goal of organizational transformation. Employee welfare measures also took the front seat during the year with several projects like construction of employee residential buildings, canteens, cafeterias, transit houses, schools, hospitals etc. to improve the lives of the people.
The Company has taken the lead to leverage the power of technology to bring about transparency, efficiency, and productivity across the organization. The Stockyard management System, Traffic management System implemented for smooth despatch of the ore and whereas other IT modules such as Safety Management System, Compliance Management System, Vendor Invoice Management System, CIMS etc are being implemented.
OMC has supported in establishing a Mining Skill Academy at Koira in Sundergarh district with the basic objective of imparting quality skill development training to build a knowledgeable workforce to cater to the demand of mining industry. To impart quality education, OMC has partnered with Odisha Adarsha Vidyalayas to set up of five schools in the mining areas which will start from the present academic session. Most importantly OMC has committed to contribute 3% of its net profit for the development of sports in the State and also contributing immensely for development of Hockey in India.
It has been contributing substantially towards the socio-economic development of the people especially residing in its mining periphery through its various CSR initiatives with focus on health, education, skill development, development of community infrastructure etc. In addition, the Company has been contributing for the noble initiatives of the Govt. of Odisha intending for the welfare of the people of the State. That’s why OMC strongly believes that it’s
not just into mining minerals, but Mining Happiness!