Finance Minister Sashi Bhusan Behera residence under gherao

Adarsh: Odisha Tahasil Office Data Entry Operators Association members Friday morning  gheraoed the residence ofSashiBhusanBehera,Finance Minister(Government of Odisha).The members while talking to the media said that their jobs are not being regularized for a long time and the delay is because of the Finance Minister’s apathy towards their rightful claims.Rule says their jobs are to be regularized after six years of continuous service in the offices.However there are hundreds of data entry operators whose jobs have not been converted to permanent nature.Itis reported that the regularization of the jobs were dependent on the   Finance Minister’s approval .Files sent for approval have been pending with the Finance Minister for quite some  time.

After about 2 hoursof gherao  Mr Behera talked to the association members and assured them of quick disposal of the related files.

The gherao was officially called off and the crowd thereafter dispersed.

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