EOW arrests one more fraudster

EOW  Bhubaneswar has arrested accused Jayant Kumar Jena at  Katana, PO- Katana Bania, dist- Krndrapada.

The instant case has been registered on the report of Sri Pranab Kumar Ray, Senior Manager, Allahabad Bank, Allahabad Bank, Nayasarak Branch, Cuttack in the matter of fraudlent availing of loan to the tune of Rs 2.26 crores by 85 loanees under “Sarala Loan”scheme from Allahabad Bank, Nayasarak Branch , Cuttack during the period from December 2009 to Mrach 2010 on the basis of forged documentin collusion with Sri Rabindra kumar Jena, Establishment officer, O/o Chief Engineer, Drainage ganadarpur, Cuttack.

Investigation revealed that accused Jyant Kumar Jena had availed Rs 3 lakhs by impersonatinghimself as Jr. clerk in the O/o chief Enigineer drainage, Cuttack.  He was being forwarded to the court of SDJM today.

Investigation is under process.

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